Aggression Skating


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Here are the Grinds of the trick tips section:

The Royal Grind:
To Royal Grind...Jump on the obstacle (poles, curbs, etc) and land on the grinding plates, inbetween the wheels, and when grinding, tilt the feet backwards a bit to get additional speed and balance. And when you're done grinding, jump off the obstacle.

The Soul Grind:
To Soul Grind....Jump on the obstacle and land on the sole of the skates, (The overhang on top of the wheels) and lean into the obstacle for additional speed and balance, and jump off of the obstacle when finished.

Judo Grind:
To Judo Grind...Do the same thing as the Royal Grind.(See Above), then, while grinding, grab back foot, but keep it on the pole, (You will have to bend over).

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